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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Welcome back P4!

2nd Sep 2022

Primary Four are just delighted to be back at school this week. There were lots of catch-ups with friends, lots of concentration during Maths and English lessons and lots of smiles as they all worked away in their new classroom. There were welcomes to make, books to enjoy, folders to organise, a class library to sort into fact and fictional books and the start of a new WAU topic ‘Rescue at Sea’ as well as taking to the outdoors for The Daily Mile with a little visit to the chapel and the grotto on the way. They learned a new strategy for Problem Solving called ‘RUCSAC’ and they looked at the fantastic c2K Newsdesk when learning about Roald Dahl and for WAU topic work. 

We are all looking forward to a great year ahead and amazing homework next week too! Have a lovely restful weekend everyone.