Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Wednesday 26th August 2020

26th Aug 2020

Today it was the turn of our Primary 3/5/6 classes to join with our Primary 7 and return to school and again it was great to see everyone again. Tomorrow we have our whole P2-7 classes in school. The majority of our pupil entrances have been tested and tomorrow our Primary 2 class will be entering the school through the P2/3/4 playground area at the Nursery side of our school and our Primary 4 class through the main school entrance on the Windmill Hill side. Please be very mindful of others coming to school for 9.00am and use all of the available car parking space and our various entrances at Nursery, back car park and on the Windmill Hill. To ease potential congestion at home time, tomorrow our P2/3/4 pupils will finish school at 11.45am and our Primary 5/6/7 pupils will finish as planned at 12.00pm. Primary 2 pupils can be collected from the P2/3/4 playground area at the Nursery side, Primary 3 from the yard space outside the back entrance door and Primary 4 from the Windmill Hill or via the back car park. As ever, please be very mindful of the requirement for social distancing and use all available space in the school yards. For Primary 5/6/7 pupils, if picking your child up from school, please ensure they are aware of which car park area you will be waiting for them in. We do understand and appreciate that these arrangements can cause initial confusion but we hope that by the end of this week this will be rectified. There are a large number of pupils walking home and a “Walk Home from School” consent form will be sent home next week to confirm this. Thank you to everyone who has sent in hand soap, sanitiser and tissues for classroom use. They are all greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.