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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 ‘Weather Watchers’

28th Nov 2023

As part of their WAU topic, P4 have been investigating different types of weather. They discussed how weather changes through the seasons, the effect weather has on our daily lives and how creatures and plants react to seasonal change. They also became very good weather forecasters as they watched how the experts predicted weather patterns.
During Numeracy, the class had fun as they were introduced to standard measures this week. They estimated and measured in centimetres using their rulers before completing tally charts, graphs and work on coordinates.
For Religion, the boys and girls learned all about the importance of Advent. They also took part in a super ‘Elf Hunt Silent Search’ organised by Pauline. Tom was delighted when he was successful and won a special prize. 
Finally, the class had a special delivery from Louise at Portaferry Library… A box of beautiful ‘Reading for Enjoyment’ books on loan from The Library Service. Keep up the great reading work P4!🌟