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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 Superstars🌟

4th May 2023

As we begin the month of May, thoughts of First Holy Communion are in our minds. This week Fr McGrady came to visit P4 in their classroom to talk about this special sacrament. The boys and girls were very knowledgeable and were able to show him their Holy Communion booklets and talk about all the preparations for mass being made at home and in school.

Spellings focused on the ‘j, g and dge’ sounds with comprehension work mainly based on factual minibeast pieces in line with their WAU topic. 

Maths was all about ‘Fractions’ this week with some practical pancake cutting of halves, quarters and eighths as well as plenty of Mathletics tasks to aid retention of important concepts. The children also enjoyed a super ‘Walking Home’ mental maths game which tested their times tables.

Congratulations again to our P4 dancers as medals and trophies continue to appear in the classroom.

Keep up the brilliant work as May certainly is a very busy month for our little P4s.