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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

P4 Enthusiasm & Empathy🌟💕

28th Feb 2024

This week P4 celebrated ‘Empathy Week’ when they discussed the power of kindness and compassion. They watched an ‘Empathy Week’ video which taught the class about how important it is to see things from another person’s perspective. The boys and girls also found out that they can learn to acknowledge lots of feelings and that it is ok to feel sad, disappointed, nervous or tired as well as happy, excited, proud and joyful. Everyone produced a lovely ‘Empathy Cube’ to take home with them.

For Numeracy, P4 started their big ‘Division’ topic. Mrs O’Neill was delighted at how well it went and how the class were able to apply previous multiplication knowledge to solve new division problems. 

Literacy this week was all about spellings and comprehension skills. The class worked on beautiful, new Collins Treasure House textbooks and produced great work. 

Finally, during Grow in Love the boys and girls worked on their ‘Last Supper’ pieces at home and in school in preparation for their upcoming Enrolment Ceremony.