Access Keys:

St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry


24th Apr 2024

P6 were fortunate to be invited to Portaferry Market House by NORTHSTONE who are currently working on the redevelopment of Portaferry Square. 

The children were shown how NORTHSTONE quarry, then make different rocks, stones, concrete and tarmac and the projects that they are involved in.  Various careers within the company were explained to the children and what each job entails and how all the processes are “jig-sawed” together to complete a job.

The children were briefed on how to keep safe and were given hardhats, high-viz jackets and safety glasses before they were shown round site. 

They were shown how asphalt is made and finally each child selected, primed, placed and hammered their own cobble into the newly designed footpath just outside the Market House.

 The children thoroughly enjoyed their day and look forward to finding their cobble when the Square is completed.