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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

More great Photographs of Home Learning

25th Mar 2020

It seems you are all making good use of the time at home by the look of the many pictures you continue to send in. Kenzie (P5) Kaelem (P3) and Tyler (Nursery) were collecting rocks and doing their sums in the sand and in the morning they are enjoying PE with Joe Wicks. Kian (P6) and Niamh (P4) came up with their own daily timetable – I wonder if they will stick to it?? They have also been busy baking and helping around in the back garden.

Marc, father of Jenson and Zac sent the following message; “We hope you are well and staying safe. We have been working hard at home and have a tough schedule. Mum's hair is growing grey by the day as she teaches us and works from home and dad is being dad and staying chilled. Today we have had p.e with jo wicks, craft, maths and English and now we are in the hot tub! We miss school, our teachers and our st marys family”

Sophia (P4), Olivia (Nursery) and Jack (P6) have been busy painting rainbows

Liam p3 and Cormac p6 were working hard in the shed on their woodwork projects and of course taking time for lunch. They've also made their own allotment this week and will hopefully have some carrots, onions and potatoes soon!

Lara (Nursery) and Caitlin (P6) have been enjoying flower arranging after being given them by their neighbour Isabelle.