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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Happy Twosday!

22nd Feb 2022

Today we celebrated Twosday, a day with all the 2s. In PE the children had to complete a challenge of performing 22 sit ups, 22 push ups, 22 toe touches, 22 spins, 22 scissors, 22 floor sits and 22 jumps. It was great fun and harder than expected! We found 2s everywhere today - we used the number 22 in our maths, some people got 2 house points, dinners had 2 fish fingers - it was 2 good 2 be true!

While we were in the hall, and because we have been learning about crocodiles in our Literacy, we also measured how long the longest Nile crocodile is, and were amazed to find out it was 5 of our children long! We hope we don't meet a hungry one any time soon, but at least we have learnt a strategy to stop the crocodile from eating us using just an elastic band - ask the kids! We also made up a game about crocodiles (name under discussion) where we had 6 hungry crocodiles catching the little fish, with only a few islands of safety.