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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Feet measuring

15th Dec 2022

What else would we be doing on the day of our Christmas Play but measuring the area of our feet! As we have been learning about length, weight and capacity, we were left with measuring area. So, off came the shoes and out came the feet. The children drew around their foot (with a friend to help if needed) and then estimated how many cubes it woud take to cover the surface of the footprint. They then measured it and recorded their results. It was interesting how some children were very close in their estimates and others quite far out. We discussed who had smaller / larger feet and how it was tricky to measure exactly because of the shape of the foot. We also looked at the difference between measuring the edge / perimeter of the shape as opposed to the area. Hopefully all children went home with the correct shoes!