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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Fantastic work in P4!

4th May 2022

The boys and girls in P4 have been working so hard in all areas of the curriculum. They have been finding out about May being a special month of adoration to Mary with a visit to the grotto and creating their own classroom May altar. They are becoming avid readers at home and in school conquering Accelerated Reader quizzes as well as working so hard on punctuation and handwriting. They have been working on lots of subtraction of tens and units and even hundreds, tens and units too! They are loving logging onto Mathletics at home and in school, completing their quests and having a go at ‘Live Maths’. They love revising and learning new P4 Times Tables. The Daily Mile continues to be a big hit as everyone loves to get outside together. Keep up the great work P4 as you continue to prepare for your very special First Holy Communion Day on 14th May.