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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Busy Bees in Nursery

14th Oct 2021

We have been very busy boys and girls.  Last week we got to play in our new Autumn Room.  We loved hiding in the dens and playing with all the little animals.  Mrs Mullan made us some animal tails which were lots of fun!  We went on an Autumn Walk.  We put our wellies on because it had been raining.  After we had collected lots of leaves, we had great fun splashing in the puddles!  We took a parachute outside.  We put some of our animals from the Autumn Room on to it and had to shake it really hard to see if we could get them to fall off!  We used the leaves we had collected on our walk to make some hedgehogs.  We also created Autumn Trees.  We started off by colouring in a tree and then we used pieces of broccoli as our paintbrushes to put leaves on in lovely Autumn colours.  They are so bright and colourful!  We also made a start on some Halloween art.  There was black paint everywhere, but we had so much fun!  Watch this space for our finished pieces!