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St Marys Primary School and Nursery Unit, Portaferry

Wednesday's Brilliant Bakers

29th Apr 2020

Again, we are so pleased with the response to our 'Bake' challenge this week.

Alannah (P2) and Aine (P4) have been baking up a storm with their beautiful cupcakes and pizza. They look so tasty girls. Amazing! Belle (P1) and her Mum enjoyed the 'Hansel and Gretel' story so much that they decided to bake and decorate their very own Gingerbread House complete with colourful sweet treats. Brilliant Belle! Carli (P4) made mars bar buns with her big sister and said everyone in the house loved them. They do look fab Carli! Lily May (P5) and her mum made a beautiful cake. Jay (P4) had fun this morning making blueberry and banana pancakes for breakfast.Yum, yum! Olivia (Nursery) and Sophia (P4) were extremely busy bakers with beautiful banana bread, cornflake buns, scones and a red velvet cake. Wow! Oscar (P1) baked wonderful 'Millions Mix' cookies. His Mum said they were very sweet but definitely passed the taste test expecially with his big sister who loved them. Kayleigh(P1) had fun baking beautiful brownies and scones. That brownie mix looks very tasty Kayleigh. James (P4) sent a little message to say 'Hi' to all his friends. James unfortunately hurt his wrist recently but was still able to help out in the kitchen with a wonderful omelette. Eva Marie (P5) and Isla (P1) want to say a big 'Hello' to Linda and Joanne in the school kitchen. They are missing everyone but have been very busy bakers with 'Rocky Roads' and 'Banana Bread'. As their food mixer is in storage, their Dad came up with the very novel idea of converting his drill. Genius! Kain(P6) and Niamh (P4) took their baking to another level with 'Code a Cake' virtual challenge. Brilliant coding folks! Mrs Birt has also been very busy in the Birt Household today!  The boys and girls in nursery are using the story of The Gingerbread Man for their activities this week. Mrs Birt assured me that she had never made Gingerbread men from scratch before so she decided this was the week to try. It is fair to say they are pretty pleased with their efforts! Lucy (P6) made some lovely pancakes. She even made one for the dog which turned out paw shaped which she assures was a happy accident. Olly (P2) and Cody (P5) sent a lovely video of them making mars bar buns and I am told they didn't last too long after they were made as they were so tasty. Keep sending all photos of your 'Brilliant Bakers' to

Finally for today Cáoimhe (Nursery) got in touch to tell me all about her alternative Easter Egg this year given to her by her aunty. Instead of an egg she got two pet lambs and this has been keeping her occupied. Her dad and her built a pen in the shed to keep them warm & safe. Caoimhe also told me that she enjoys bottle feeding them 4 times a day and that she is sometimes helped by her little brother Máol.